“Átalakító” – The Mentoring Programme of UniFit

2019. március 25. - 16:43 Personalised training programme and lifestyle counselling for three months, free of charge – Five lucky students of UD have been selected to take part in the first health development mentoring programme of UniFit, which, from now on, the training centre intends to launch every semester.

Over 50 students applied for the Átalakító (Transformer) programme of UniFit, which was announced by the training centre for students who had taken PE classes.

- We would like to offer the best possible services to students of UD in the fields of health development and lifestyle counselling. Students training at UniFit are generally advised to turn to our instructors for help in the beginning, in order to make their programmes more efficient. This gave us the idea to launch a mentoring programme. Two of our instructors immediately volunteered to join the programme in order to facilitate students’ transformation by the end of the semester – explained director Tamás Balogh.

The five participating students only have to buy a monthly pass to UniFit, like any other students taking PE classes outside the university, and the personal trainers will work with them three times a week, for no extra fee. This means that over the course of the 3-month programme students can save almost HUF 100,000. Consultations start with discussing personal health development objectives, such as losing weight or improving someone’s stamina and overall condition.

- I would like to shape my body, and I thought I could do it more efficiently with the help of a personal trainer. You know, you can never be tough and consistent enough without help. This is the second week and I can already see the results. Sometimes it is tiring, but my condition has improved a lot. It is worth participating in the programme – said Zsófia Nagy, first-year student studying community coordination.

Twice a month, participating students prepare short reports on their progress and experience, and also document their results with photos. The experts at UniFit hope that the 3 months of the programme will be sufficient to make students continue training after the programme and inspire others to do regular physical exercise as well.

Currently, over 1,000 students enjoy the services of the UniFit Fitness & Gym Center, which is located in the building of Nagyerdei Stadium and awaits students, university citizens and anyone living in Debrecen with 6 rooms, over 200 machines and 23 trainers on 2,600 sqm.

Press Office