Ethical Research

2019. február 27. - 15:50 What important rules do you have to follow if you want your research programme acceptable from ethical aspects, too? This was the topic of a course held on Thursday and organised jointly by the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) and UD.

- The fact that EMBO held this event here clearly shows that the Organisation recognises the efforts UD has made in the field of research ethics. UD developed its Code of Ethics regarding scientific issues a long time ago, and made it publicly available. There is a mandatory series of lectures for PhD students that deals with issues related to scientific ethics. Also, we have a number of rules in order to avoid unethical lectures at the university – explained László Csernoch, vice rector for scientific affairs.

The course on research ethics was organised by young laboratory leaders who are planning to set up their own independent research groups.

- Laboratory leaders are responsible for many details from keeping a logbook to the application of suitable analytical and evaluation methods and they also need to ensure that in case of publications only the names of those who actually participated in the particular research programme are published. This course is useful for them as well – said Szilvia Benkő, assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology to

In the first part participants learned, among other things, about the rules UD applies for research programmes, the procedure for permitting human experiments and the related practices applied at UD, and were also provided with an international overview of the issue . Two associates of EMBO talked about the principles of publishing results.

- By today, research has become an industry with its own rules that must be followed. We intend to follow rules established by the international research community, which allow us to ensure that results are genuine and reproducible – pointed out László Nagy, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Following the lectures small-group sessions took place where particular cases were discussed at Villa Kenézy.

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