The Faculty of Health is Strengthening with Novelties

2019. január 28. - 16:59 Dual education in the Social Worker bachelor programme, Nursing programme at correspondence training – novelties at the Faculty of Health of the University of Debrecen. European-level education and excellent career opportunities await the prospective students of the campus in Nyíregyháza.

Students applying to the dual education programme at the Faculty of Health will be able to learn and gain experience in the world of work. The Social Worker bachelor programme will be announced in this form for the first time in this year’s recruitment process.

- Students participating in dual education start with significant advantages at the labour market and are able to build a career more easily. As they do professional work during their university studies, they have several years of experience as a fresh graduate, so they are not considered as a career starter – said Imre Semsei, dean of the Faculty of Health.

The institution currently has ten partners but is planning to increase the places taking part in the dual education.

- The other novelty is that we are starting the 28 years’ full-time nursing training in correspondence form as well. There are almost 400 vacancies in the country and the demand for training in correspondence form has been articulated by employers for years. With this new programme we can hopefully contribute to the reduction of manpower shortage – the professor emphasized.

The launching of the correspondence programme of nursing was permitted after the publication of the recruitment guide, so applicants can find the training only in the supplement, and it will be released at in late January.

The Faculty of Health offers programmes in the areas of health sciences, social science and teacher training in this year’s recruitment process. Secondary school students can choose full time or correspondence BSc trainings of ambulance person,  midwife, nurse, district nurse, hygienic organizer and social work.

Ninety percent of our students can land a job within half a year, as well-trained health professionals are needed in all areas of the country – said the dean.

Imre Semsei believes that the State Health Care Center's scholarship programme could make the faculty's programmes even more attractive. In the evaluation process for receiving the high-amount scholarship provided to students learning in full time or correspondence form, students studying for nurse, ambulance person, and district nurse will be preferred as these are scarce jobs.

Students at the Faculty of Health, studying to be a nurse, an ambulance person, a midwife or a nurse, can obtain significant practical experience, owing to specially equipped rooms at the university.

Among the MSc trainings, the programme of nursing is expected to get the largest interest. Nurses specialized in different areas will have extended powers in the future, which means they will be able to take over duties from doctors with a view to providing more effective patient care.

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