This year the Times Higher Education World University Ranking list includes 1,258 higher education institutes around the world. Based on 2016 statistics, seven Hungarian universities, including UD, made it to the list. They have been ranked between the 801 and 1000 positions.
Only universities that offer bachelor programmes in various areas are ranked in the list. Ranking is based on the learning environment (30%), research quality (30%), the number of citations from publications linked to the institute (30%), market revenue (2,5%), and the number of foreign teachers and students (7,5%). The numbers in brackets indicate the weighing of the factor in the final point. As for the international factor, the ratio of foreign teachers and students, and the number of publications where foreign co-authors were involved are taken into consideration.
A Debreceni Egyetemen – a vizsgált időszakban – a 26 767 diákból 4 321 hallgató érkezett határainkon túlról, összesen 105 országból. A lista élén az Oxfordi Egyetem, a második helyen a Cambridge-i Egyetem, a harmadik helyen pedig a Stanford Egyetem áll.
Out of the Hungarian universities Semmelweis University achieved the best result, followed by Eötvös Loránd University, University of Pécs, University of Szeged, University of Debrecen, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and Corvinus University.
World University Rankings 2019. [3]
Hungarian universities 2019. [4]
University of Debrecen 2019. [5]
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