International Gastronomy Festival at the University

2018. május 24. - 09:41 Falafel, zorbian, matcha muffins, and bao zi are just a bare sample of the specialties presented by contestants from as many as twenty different countries at the International Food Day held this past Friday. For the first time in its history, the gastronomical competition was won by Team Israeal.

There were several thousand potential customers standing in line on the new premises of Food Day, on the square in front of Főépület [Main Building], in order to try the various national dishes and delicacies prepared by the international students enrolled at the University of Debrecen. In addition to the food and drink specialties, the representatives of the largest international student body in Hungary also displayed their national banners and quite a few of them were dressed in their national garb, so as to make their short cultural performances even more authentic.

As regards the central stage, it was taken during the course of the event by foreign and Hungarian performers, including the bands Organixxx (international) and Willy Wonka and the Loompaz (Hungarian), as well as the formation called Dubem K. A significant part of the revenue generated by Food Day is going to be donated by the international students for charity.

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