Prime Ministerial meeting at the University

2016. november 26. - 11:08 A business forum was organised at Debrecen University, with the participation of the heads of government of Hungary and the Ukraine. The university’s innovative pharmaceutical cluster was also presented at the bilateral meeting.

- Debrecen University has always placed great emphasis on nurturing intensive cultural, economic and innovation links with neighbouring countries. I am confident that today’s meeting will prove that the city and Debrecen University working together are appropriate partners to allow the two countries to achieve significant results in the economic sphere, as well – said the Rector, Zoltán Szilvássy, who welcomed the participants in Ukrainian to the Hungarian-Ukrainian business forum organised by the Hungarian National Trade House.

The Rector emphasised: the special feature of Debrecen University is that it is located at the centre of an innovation system, surrounded by firms from various industrial sectors, which are present in a structured form.

- The three pillars of the University, the regional local authorities, and economic entities have produced significant results in recent times, and we hope that Ukrainian partners will also be able to join this network – said Zoltán Szilvássy.

- Today’s forum opens a new chapter in the network of relationships between the two neighbouring countries, and can be advantageous in terms of moving forward economic, research and educational cooperation – said László Papp.

The mayor referred to the fact that over many centuries Debrecen had been at the crossroads of several commercial routes, and today it was also striving to play a decisive role in the region’s economic, educational and cultural life, and to create secure links with the east, west and south.

Miklós Seszták, the Minister for National Development, welcomed the participants with Henry Ford’s words: “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." The minister announced that the M3 motorway would be built to Ukraine; the M34 section from Vásárosnamény to Záhony had already been started, and the road would be ready in 2018. Miklós Seszták drew attention to the fact that there were direct funds from Brussels, and about 130 billion Euros were available to member states, and that Ukrainian firms could also have access to these funds as partners.

- We wanted to introduce another city, to show you that Hungary is not just Budapest, and so we chose Hungary’s “second capital”. Debrecen’s past and future both justify it being considered a city of exceptional importance – said Victor Orbán, as he explained the choice of venue.

The Prime Minister’s speech emphasised that Hungary’s economy was moving upwards, and that this would continue, which is why we should now be brave and innovative.

- Our performance and opportunities are only limited by our own lack of faith. You need to take previously shelved and long-held ideas - now is the time to besiege the government and financial institutions – said the Prime Minister, as he encouraged the entrepreneurs.

Viktor Orbán noted that Ukraine is not in an easy situation - Hungarian-Ukrainian economic relations have also suffered in the recent state of semi-war; however, because of its exceptional geographical location – as a link between east and west - the 46 million strong country can hope for improvement.

The prime minister added that economic development is essential for proper political relations. If Ukrainian-Hungarian political relations remain so in the long run, this will represent a safety net.

Victor Orbán declared that Hungary supports the territorial sovereignty of the Ukraine, its accession to the European Union and the introduction of visa-free travel for Ukrainian citizens.

- Ukraine is not a problem but a resource. If the Visegrad Four were not members of the Union there would not be economic development; currently the V4 are the motors of the economy. We consider it inconceivable that Turkey will be given visa-free travel sooner than Ukraine - said the prime minister, who said it was impossible that one of the richest countries in the EU, the Netherlands, on its own voted down the free trade agreement with Ukraine.

- Ukraine is not a problem but a resource. If the Visegrad Four were not members of the Union there would not be economic development; currently the V4 are the motors of the economy. We consider it inconceivable that Turkey will be given visa-free travel sooner than Ukraine - said the prime minister, who said it was impossible that one of the richest countries in the EU, the Netherlands, on its own voted down the free trade agreement with Ukraine.

Ukrainian Prime Minister, Volodymyr Hrojszman, said the forum was the most significant event in the recent period, which indicates that the two countries have a common future.

The Ukrainian prime minister said the country is facing its greatest challenges since independence; it wants to become part of the European Union, an important step towards which would be visa-free travel. In this regard, he thanked the Hungarian government for its support.

Volodymyr Hrojszman recalled that after a low point, bilateral cooperation had deepened in the recent period and expressed the hope that this process will be even more successful in the future - especially in the field of mechanical engineering and energy. Regarding concrete steps, he explained that the legal harmonization in preparation for economic development had started, laws hindering business development had been removed, and offices promoting investments had been set up.

The business forum divided into three sections – the agricultural and food industry; tourism, pharmaceuticals and IT; and industry and energy – to explore and discuss cooperation opportunities. The pharmaceutical section associated with the University of Debrecen – the Debrecen Pharmapolis Innovative Pharmaceutical Cluster - was also introduced.

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