Fourfold happiness

2016. november 25. - 16:21 After a gap of thirty years, quadruplets were born once again in the Debrecen University Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The birth of the babies was helped by a 12-strong team of doctors.

At the beginning of the year the Debrecen couple had decided that they wanted children. They were very surprised when it turned out that four babies would arrive at once.

When we learnt about it, at first we just didn’t believe it, and not even after that, either! But then it became clear that it was really going to happen. We were very happy, but quite nervous, too - whether the babies were going to be healthy. But it seems that everything has worked out fine – said the father István Boda, who was also born as one of quadruplets 30 years ago in the Debrecen University Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

That birth was the first of its kind in the history of the institution, and this one is the second. What is particularly interesting is that the current director of the Clinic, Róbert Póka, was present on both occasions.

Now, he and a dozen obstetricians, gynaecologists, cardiologists, neonatologists and anaesthetists, under the leadership of Katalin Jenei, obstetrician-gynaecologist, helped at the birth of Boglárka, Flóra, Jázmin and István.

The little babies are healthy, weighing between 1500 and 1900 g; they are currently being monitored in an incubator in the Premature Birth Intensive Care Department at the Children’s Clinic, from where they are expected to be allowed home in a few days. To be on the safe side, their mother has already spent the past 11 weeks in the Clinics, even though she experienced no serious medical problems during her pregnancy.

-  It is really quite remarkable that their mother managed to carry the babies into her 34th week. Sugar metabolism and blood pressure disorders – which are very common in pregnancy – did not develop.  With quadruplets, however, the physical strain on the musculoskeletal system, and the burden on the heart and circulatory system and the lungs, is present in such an exponential way that in the interests of the mother and the babies we decided to carry out a programmed Caesarean section. Fortunately, this was carried out without any complications – said Professor Róbert Póka, who added that he thought the six-member family would be home for Christmas.