MÜZLI: A Chance to Learn Again from Members of the Professional Elite

2019. October 03. - 13:36 During the course of the current semester, too, the students of the University of Debrecen will be assisted by outstanding representatives of Hungarian and international business life in their effort to obtain state-of-the-art practical knowledge and skills.

MÜZLI, short for Mérnöki és Üzletfejlesztési Innovációs Intézet [verbatim: Institute of Engineering and Business Development Innovation] is to launch as many as 4 different courses, the first presentation of which has been held by Endre Ascsillán, Vice President of General Electric Hungary.

In addition to teaching entrepreneurial and management studies, the courses offered at the Engineering and Business Development Innovation Institution of the University of Debrecen (MÜZLI) provide an insight to all students irrespective of their majors into current and future trends in business and technology as well as the operation of competitive corporations and companies and, by representing a “bridge” between the academic and business spheres,   assist young people in making their career choices through custom-made support and expert advice.

All of the above advantages come from a circle of widely acknowledged business mavens with managerial experience in the fields of industry and entrepreneurship covering several years or even decades. The group of presenters include Endre Ascsillán, Vice President of GE Hungary, Joerg Bauer, President and CEO of Tungsram Group, Gergő Lencsés, Head of GE Power global value chain, Attila Ferik, Senior Director of software engineering at GE Healthcare, Attila Dezső, member of the public procurement case-law analysis group of Kúria, and Gergely Szabó, CEO of MET Magyarország Zrt.

“For an entrepreneurial attitude, it is essential that you dare to go beyond the surface of things and shed light on everything from a variety of viewpoints. Other indispensable factors comprise respect, trust and reliability,” said Endre Ascsillán in the first presentation of one of the courses offered this year by the title Én, a vállalkozó? [Me, as an Entrepreneur?].

The Vice President of GE Hungary, who is also the head and a master instructor of MÜZLI, highlighted business processes, the stages of becoming an entrepreneur, and the methods of successful problem solving through sharing his own life experience with the audience. In his talk, he presented a variety of analyses of challenges facing family businesses as well systems of multinational corporations in an interactive fashion, by involving students of information technology, economy, pharmacy, and biology. He also outlined the most decisive characteristic features of the proverbial entrepreneurial attitude and called the attention of the young people in the audience to the fact that MÜZLI can also provide substantial and effective support for them in business management and in the effort to launch startups.

In addition to the course Én, a vállalkozó?, which aims at offering incentives for establishing a general entrepreneurial attitude as well as embracing the culture of taking risks and responsibility, yet another 3 lecture courses are designed to be introduced during the first semester of the 2019/2020 academic year by the Institute of Engineering and Business Development Innovation at UD. The main topics of these include innovation and business management, the practice of global value chains, and corporate software engineering. The next presentation will be held on Thursday, September 26, by Attila Ferik, Senior Director of the Hungary-based software engineering center of GE Healthcare, who is the direct report for almost 400 programmers and software engineers. Besides the development of ways for the medical use of artificial intelligence, the team of researchers headed by him has also prepared the digital healthcare analytic management system for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.

Beyond the courses offered specifically for the students of MÜZLI, the institute will also introduce open-access presentations for the entire student community of the university, in which outstanding representatives of domestic and international business life will talk about their professional and business careers.


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