New perspectives on Hungarian reseach

2019. July 26. - 11:38 The University of Debrecen and the Hungarian Research Institute have embarked on research in the fields of ethnography, history, archeogenetics, and religion history. The cooperation agreement was signed by rector Zoltán Szilvássy and the director general.

- The University of Debrecen is an institution of higher education with one of the most comprehensive educational and research portfolios which has a rather strong faculty of humanities and an institute of history. There are a great number of research topics in which such a broad spectrum university can serve Hungarian research, said Zoltán Szilvássy at the press conference on the cooperation on Tuesday. The university’s leader stressed that, using the most recent technologies of medical biology such as genomics, lipidomics, and proteomics, new discoveries can be made in segments where traditional methods can no longer produce results.

The rector added that the University of Debrecen works in close cooperation with the Institute of Nuclear Research, where researchers work with redionuclide methods that can prove useful in unearthing events of ancient times. On the other hand, the Faculty of Humanities and the institutes of natural sciences can help with classical Hungarian research (research into ethnic Hungarians).

- The Hungarian Research Institute covers 11 fields of science, of these we are are planning to work together with the University of Debrecen in the filelds of ethnography, history, archeology, archeogenetics, and religion history. It is a great honour to us to be able to sign an agreement with such a great institution, which, with its 500 years’ history and 30.000 students, will be able to provide the extra effort that will ensure knowledge transfer for future generations, Gábor Horváth-Lugossy said. The director general thanked László Pósán, associate professor and stressed the name of professor Attila Bárány, with whom they will work together in history research.

- The Hungarian Research Institute will launch archeogenetics training through the Archeogenetics Research Centre at the t of Debrecen, Szeged, Győr, and Pécs. It is important that the results of this field confirm the research related to the migration of Hungarians. These concern the period between the and 10th centuries, and, using methods of classical philology, further periods of the Middle Ages that are at present less known, said Gábor Horváth-Lugossy.

The agreement signed on Tuesday is on launching  joint research programmes, writing handbooks and organising related professional conferences and exhibitions.

University professor Attila Bárány, leader of the „Lendület” research group „Hungary in Medieval  Europe” established in 2014 said that, as of June 30, 2019,  the institution will continue its work within the Insitutional Excellence Programme for Higher Education.

- We are exploring the position of Hungary in Europe in the 13,th, 14th, and 15th centuries. We are doing source research and basic research, examining the image of Hungary in Western Europe. We are gathering hitherto unknown sources from archives, and manuscripts in the territories of England, France, Italy, and the Teutonic Knights in Germany: Northern Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in archives, and manuscripts.  We have created a picture-based data base of the results of the past five years and we wish to continue this work in cooperation with the Hungarian research Institute in the future as well, explained Attila Bárány.

In the framework of the cooperation we wish to increase the number of volumes written in foreign languages  by Hungarian authors on medieval Hungarian history in Western Europe as we have a rather limited number of publications of this type on Western bookshelves.

László Pósán, who is involved in the research as well as the cooperation, said that, due to rececent years’ infrastructural investments in Debrecen, several archeological  explorations have been started in Hajdú-Bihar County, which have unearthed important findings hence the possibilities of cooperation with Déri Museum  are also being considered.

Press Office - TPL