Clinical research from patient data
- An important objective of the Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen is to enable the appearance of patient data and imaging documents produced during the health care process in the widest possible range in artificial intelligence (AI)-based clinical research. To do this, the data set made available through the Research and Development activity carried out in the Big Data field of the Higher Education Excellence Programme neds to be converted to make it accessible and analysable using up-to-date IT tools, Ervin Berényi, Chairman of the Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen told
The head of the Clinical Centre added that their long-term aim is to use the medical biology project to make Big Data technology available to other fields of science as well, e.g., to agriculture or economics.
In order to make this clinical research data set accessible to researchers, teachers, and later students, too, it is necessary to create a knowledge centre which would make the basics of methodology and fields of application and implementation of AI accesible in the broadest possible range.
- In the first stage of development we worked out a strategy that transforms the data stored in the bases of diverse types and accessibility respresenting the data wealth of the Clinical Centre into an integrated data base that can be searched using the tools of Data Science. Our more important sources are: the medical data base (demographic, laboratory, medication, and diverse clinical data) related to diagnostic and therapeutic activity, all CT, MRI, R-ray, PET, and SPECT imaging data stored on the DEKK PACS system as well as the data bases linked to various bio banks (genomic, proteomics, and pathology data). In the later stages of development, in addition to scientific data collection, we are planning the integration of financing and implementation data, which will enable the economic analyisis of DEKK Big Data, Miklós Emri, a science research worker for the non-independent department of Nuclear Medicine of the Institute for Imaging Science of the Faculty of General Medicine detailed in his contribution.
The specialist noted : they chose the Microsoft AZURE for the safe strorage of the integrated data base primarily due to its high safety, accessibilty, scalability, and the accessibility of artificial intelligence that can be used during data analysis but also due to the fact that the Cloud Computing technology is fast developing worlwide thus in the project the triad of the BigDATA+MI+CloudComupting technology can be jointly used.
As a first step in the process, The Clinical Centre signed an education contract with Microsoft Magyarország Kft according to which more than 30 university researchers ansd teachers will master a 25-30 hour long on-line teachning material of their professional field choice from the teaching material of Microsoft AI School. At the end of the learning process the teachers responsible for developing the data base will demonstrate this process through the help of which analyses can be carried out in the clinical research data base using the tools of AI. The experience gained and the teaching materials mastered in the educational programme can be used in the course of education and research work, which may be important for the planning of research projects and supervison of TDK topics and theses.
The closing lecture of the teaching was held in the Large Auditorium of the Theoretical Building of the Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen on Wednesday, June 26, where university specialists could familiarise themselves first with the integrated Clinical Research Data Base created using Big Data technology, and then with the basic infrastructure and data processing of Microsoft Azure.
Press Office