Working jointly for progress

2019. June 21. - 11:39 A stategic cooperation agreement has been signed by the University of Debrecen and the Chinese Morgan Star Group to increase the number of Chinese students and on issues concerning education, research and economic development.

- One of the major investment companies of the People’s Republic of China begins its overall cooperation within Central and Eastern Europe and Hungary with the University of Debrecen, rector Zoltán Szilvássy said on the occasion of the  ceremonial signing of the strategic cooperation agreement with the Morgan Star Group on Wednesday.

The leader of the university explained: an important  direction of China’s economic policy in Europe is the One belt, one road programme, also popularly known as the silk road of the 21st century, in which Hungary is an active partner of China’s and Debrecen is a main European logistics route  situated at the intersection of Via Carpatia and the One belt, one road programme.

Zoltán Szilvássy emphasised that, in addition to increasing the number of Chinese students  who come to the University of Debrecen to study, organisation of staff and student exchanges, development of a common curriculum and research plan, the strategic cooperation agreeement will also cover economic development: it will provide a framework for investments in the food industry, manufacturing and development of of medicines as well as extensive  educational, and technological IT developments in relation to aviation.

Following the signing of the ceremonial signing Mr. Steve Guo, Chairman of the Morgan Star Group Ltd., said that the traditionally good relationship between China and Hungary has achieved remarkable results in recent years: out of all European countries Hungary was the first to sign the agreement with China for the One belt, one road initiative. 

- In addition to advanced technological industry, cultural and arts activities,  as well as technological further /retraining, development and nurturing of new talents in international science and arts and ?? teacher training programmes are all covered in the field of developmental directions. Hungary has a rich tradition and expertise in teacher training. As one of the most outstanding insitution of higher education in Hungary, the University of Debrecen has always been in the vantgarde of  teaching of foreign, including, Chinese, students. (Today the number of Chinese students studying at this university is 350, a seven-fold increase over ten years. Editor). UD has considerably contributed to the  negotiations related to the One belt, one road new initiatives.  The agreement that has just been signed promises considerable results to both parties and usher in a new  era in Chinese-Hungarian relations, said Steve Guo.   

He added: on the part of China, Fuzhou Ship Administration  and Transportation College established in 1866, the first European level insitituion of higher education in modern Chinese History joins the cooperation. A foundation will also be established at the university to help achieve the goals of the cooperation. Finally, Steve Guo thanked rector Zoltán Szilvássyi, chancellar Zoltán Bács, and László Balogh for their parts in the cooperation.  

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