Graduation ceremonies to start
With the exception of the ceremony organised in the Liszt Room of the Faculty of Music, the venue of the events is the Cour d’honneur of the Main Building of the University of Debrecen, where students in gowns, carrying the symbols of the university, including the gerundium, and university and faculty dignitaries wearing black traditionally march to the sound of fanfares to hand over, after all the speeches have been made and after recognising their hard work that has resulted in their receiving their degrees, their well-deserved diplomas.
It is a family celebration to which relatives of all the students come to Debrecen; however, there are many who cannot attend for a variety of reasons.
Thinking about these students, some possibly even living on other continents, the university has for years been streaming the graduation ceremonies online/live through the cooperation of the University’s Multimedia and E-learning Technical Centre. Those interested can see the streamed content at and UD Live Stream YouTube channel.
Following the graduation celebrations, naturally reports on them briefly, adding to the report film recordings and photos taken during the ceremony.
The Faculty of General Medicine: 11.00 June 14 Cour d’honneur
- It is my conviction that the freshly graduated students will be able to turn the now only vague opportunities of the third millenium to their fellow human beings’ advantage having proven their aptitude during six years of theoretical and practical contests, dean László Mátyus stressed at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of General Medicine on June 14. During the event staged in the Cour d’honneur 110 students, including 67 foreign ones, received their degrees.
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, 10.00, June 15 (Saturday): Cour d’honneur
- We want you to be proud of obtaining your degrees from one of the most prestigious universities of Hungary! Your Alma Mater releases you on your professional way with peace of mind. You set out equipped with reliable bases on which you can build and that can be used in agriculture, business life and other fieldsa alike. I hope you will always remember even during your successful careers that you received these bases from this university, dean István Komlósi told the graduates of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management in his farewell speech on June 15, 2019. The ceremony was attended by 150 graduates who received their degrees.
Times and venues of graduation ceremonies:
GYGYK June 21. (Friday) 10.00 o’clock, Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
GTK June 21. (Friday) 13.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
GTK June 21. (Friday) 16.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
GYTK June 22. (Saturday) 10 .00 d’honneur (Díszudvar)
EK June 28. (Friday) 10.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
IK June 28. (Friday) 13 óra Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
NK June 28. (Friday) 16.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
BTK June 29. (Saturday) 9.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
BTK June 29. (Saturday) 12.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
ÁOK June 29. (Saturday) 15.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
TTK July 5. (Friday) 10.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
TTK July 5. (Friday) 13.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
FOK July 5. (Friday ) 16.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
MK July 6. (Saturday) 10.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)
ÁJK July 6. (Saturday) 14.00 Cour d’honneur (Díszudvar)