Fifteen Hundred Participants Will Have the Chance to Exercise with DEAC
The aim of the organizers of this leisure-time event is to provide an insight to any interested party into what life is like in the big family of the University of Debrecen, specifically, in its sports club DEAC. As for those who even make up their minds to enter either the 3600-meter or the 1919-meter running contest (the latter being a reference to the year of the foundation of the club), they will also compete with a high and noble idea in mind. An amount of HUF 500 of each of the entry fees will be offered for charity: a donation to Koraszülött és Gyermek Intenzív Ellátásáért a DOTE Gyermekklinikán Alapítvány [Foundation for Preterm and Infant Intensive Care Unit at the Pediatric Clinic]. The intensive care unit would wish to spend the donated amounts on purchasing pediatric infusion pumps for the babies and supplies to facilitate the relaxation of the parents on the premises.
At the press conference of I. DEAC Családi és Futónap [1st DEAC Family and Running Day], held on Thursday, Chancellor of the University of Debrecen Zoltán Bács emphasized the importance of recreational sports.
“In addition to the developments of the past years and the achievements at competitive sports events, the cause of providing people with opportunities to be involved in recreational sports is also of extraordinary importance to us, either with the help of DEAC or even within the framework available in the club itself. The first major event of this effort will be this May 1 Family and Running Day, and I do hope that there will be a lot of participants there,” said the chancellor.
Andrea Lenténé Puskás, Managing Director of DEAC Egyesület [Club DEAC] added that an extra objective would be to forge an even better cooperation than what is available today between the departments of the club and the general public in Debrecen.
“For years, we have been planning to hold an event like this for the families of DEAC athletes, including parents, grandparents and kids, as well as for the citizens of Debrecen in general. We also wish to make sure that this is not just a one-off opportunity but an occasion to be repeated annually in the future, with the objective to make it possible for every generation to have fun and to do sports together,” said the MD. She also added that, apart from the sports-related activities, there would also be chances for the participants to have their blood pressure and blood sugar level checked and to get free advice on health and sports issues.
At the press conference, the detailed program for the day was introduced by the head organizer of the event, Gergő Török, who is also the Marketing Manager of DEAC.
“The main feature for the day will be the charity running event, starting at 11 a. m. from the building of DESOK, with a finish line situated on the synthetic running tracks next to the soccer field. So far, we have received almost two hundred entries, all of them online. As a matter of course, there will also be a chance to register on the premises, too, between 8 and 10 a.m. on Wednesday next. In addition to automatically offering an amount of HUF 500 of each of the entry fees for the Foundation for Preterm and Infant Intensive Care Unit at the Pediatric Clinic, we have also received quite a lot of inquiries about the so-called “honesty box” possibility, as there are individuals who would wish to give more for charity. We are going to make sure that this will be possible, too,” said Gergő Török, who added that there would also be a party bouncy castle for the kids and possibilities for the adults to try their hands at beer pong and beer curling.
The full-day program will start at 8 a.m. on May 1 with the on-site registration for the running events, while the sports facilities will be available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for all. At 4 p.m., a soccer game between the current third-league team of DEAC and the team of DEAC “Allstars” will take place. Some of the players in the latter will be familiar faces to us, including Ákos Berta, the captain of the ice hockey team, Róbert Hanász, the manager of the (American) football team, Kata Üveges, futsal player of the Hungarian national selection, and István Becsky, the Head of the Basketball Section. The manager of the “Allstars” team will be the Executive Director of DEAC, Marianna Kovács Lóczi Lászlóné.
Besides the citizens of Debrecen, several regionally and nationally significant companies have also noticed the competitive edge they may take advantage of if they decide to be at Családi és Futónap, so there will be a chance to buy food and drinks on the premises for the whole day, thanks to the outdoor corporate catering facilities of these companies.
You can sign up for the running events at this link, or on the premises.