Training for Life

2019. February 11. - 16:15 Learn from the very best Hungarian teachers of economic science in Debrecen! The Faculty of Economic Science (FES) awaits its would-be students with a Master’s degree in teaching economics, dual and sports science studies, as well as unforgettable student years.

FES (GTK) is the youngest faculty of Debrecen University but, with its close to 4000 students, also the the most populous, and, in terms of the fields of training, its most popular faculty.  On its  bachelor and master courses the faculty trains economists, agronomists, as well as sport organizers, human resources consultants and economics teachers.

Students applying to FES (GTK) can choose between 7 majors (business and management, commerce and marketing, international management, finance and accounting, tourism and catering, sport and recreation organization, and rural development agronomist), and 10 masters courses (human resources consultant, supply chain management, master of business administration, international business and management, enterprise development, management and organization, accountancy,  sports economist,  rural development agronomist, and economics teacher). In addition, 4 higher education vocational trainings (business and management, commerce and marketing, finance and accounting, as well as tourism and catering) are also offered by FES (GTK), one of the most popular faculties of the University of Debrecen.

- Oversubscription to our high-quality courses has been four-fold in recent years, and 90% of our graduates find employment within one year of graduation. The Faculty’s teachers also greatly contribute to our students’ success.  It is not by chance that in 2018 it was the Faculty of Economic Science of the University of Debrecen that ranked first in HVG’s ranking based on the excellence of the economic science teaching staff, stressed Dean Károly Pető.

This year the economics teacher major is offered for the first time while the sport and recreation organization major will be launched with two specialisations: sport organization, recreation organization and health improvement. In cooperation with the Faculty’s 34 partner companies training is offered in a dual form in  supply chain management organization, accounting, enterprize development, and rural development agronomist. Furthermore, due to the relationship between the Faculty and Jyväskyla University, students with strong English language skills and an enterprise development major can obtain a dual degree.

FSE (GTK) awaits its would-be students on the Böszörményi út campus with excellent infrastructural background (modern auditoriums, seminary rooms and smartroom), remodelled sports facilities (grass and artificial grass football field, clay athletic fields, gymnasium, and a remodelled youth hostel.

Not sure about your choice yet? Grab a gown, get a certificate as a researcher from the Faculty of Economic Science and find out everything playfully about FSE’s trainings, and its student life on the interactive open day at 10-13, Friday, February 1, in the TVK building of the Böszörményi út Campus! For a detailed progmamme click here!

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