We loved every minute of it!
“We have been directing stage productions for 20 years, and I realised that what happened so far was the preparation, and our productions so far were the examinations. Finally, at yoUDay, we could show it to 22 thousand people what we have learnt so far in life, what we know. Our aim was to ensure that the audience really enjoy the show. The keyword was togetherness. We wanted to make sure that everyone should feel as a member of this huge community. It was a beautiful and uplifting task”. These were the sentences posted by Veronika Végh, the chief coordinator of the production, on her Facebook page on day after the show.
Social media seemed to have exploded in the last few days, teeming with the countless reports, selfies, mini videos, congratulations and comments on yoUDay. However, it was not only the spectators, but also the star performers who shared their experiences about the unforgettable production.
“I can write with full certainty that this was the biggest concert experience of my life. It last happened at the beginning of the Abrakazabra-era that something like this happened to me... I was crying on the stage, my tears were just running unstoppably, I was in such an euphoria. For many this may sound strange and sentimental, but those who know me are aware that I actually have my two feet on the ground, and I am not a person with overflowing emotions, daydreaming or floating above the ground. But then and there I was extremely proud of ourselves and our crew who was there with us, those I asked for this task and who performed well beyond the call of duty”, wrote Antal Varga, leader of the band Abrakazabra on his social media page.
“It was an huge experience to perform in Nagyerdei Stadium, especially as I was received with so much love. YoUDay was included in our tour as an event of special significance, and I was blown away by the breath-taking technology and the number of people. What is more, my wife’s birthday is also on 26 September, so we had a really memorable way to celebrate”, Tamás Horváth recalled his own personal experiences.
“I love Debrecen, we always have a great time here, whether we perform at university clubs, at Campus Festival or at yoUDay, as we did now. If the venue is Debrecen, we always play to a full house, and there is an awesome atmosphere, so we’ll be thrilled to come back to the university days also,” said Majka right after the show.
“It will be an unforgettable experience to sing in Debrecen on 26 September 2018, at the yoUDay concert show, in front of 22 thousand people!!! Hats off to all performers, including the dancers, who did a great job despite the very cold weather, and who kept it all together during the 2 days. A special thanks to the sound crew, who supported us with their professionalism and helpfulness, and who overcome the difficulties presented by the acoustics of the stadium!!!” – singer Rita Ambrus posted enthusiastically.
“We did not believe it would be possible to beat the last two years, but we still did! The bar was very high, not to mention the several unexpected challenges that the organisers had to face. We are happy to have been part of this unique event, and would like to congratulate all the outstanding performers, the very professional crew, and the wonderful audience, for creating a hot atmosphere in the stadium despite the very cold weather” – the band Animal Cannibals said.
“Well, there are some defining moments in everyone’s life, for me it was these 7-8 minutes yesterday! I don’t know what I could write as a comment. I was singing those songs from that man (Freddie Mercury) who was the reason that I first had this dream as a child to be able to sing one day in front of this many people, putting myself in his shoes... And here we are... Tens of thousands of people sang these songs with me and through me last night” – raved Zsolt Zoller.
In addition to the star performers, six hundred dances, as well as almost one hundred athletes of DEAC, including dozens of children, helped make the night unforgettable. Their parents were also speaking about yoUDay gratefully.
“I believe this has been a defining experience for our children. Thank you for involving them as well... They really enjoyed it... and I am quite moved by how kind the performing artists were also with them!”, one of the mothers wrote.
The local and the national press reported on yoUDay 2018 in many news outlets, and organisers have already published the date of next year’s event, which will take place on 18 September 2019.
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