I confer the title of doctor upon you...
„…I wish to pass on a triple pledge to our provincial universities: do research, teach, and love the youth. Do research. We need fresh knowledge. When one borrows and follows ready-made theorems, that may be college training but not university education. College training is distinguished from university training by a higher-degree of the latter vibrating with the fresh strength of individual research in a university professor’s lectures” – once Minister for Religion and Public Education, Kunó Klebelsberg was cited by László Csernoch in his speech at the honorary award-giving ceremony.
The Vice- Rector for Academic Affairs of the University stressed in his welcome speech: a university becomes acknowledged not only owing to its professors’ spirit or the up-to-date infrastructural conditions available.
- It also takes the work and education of the students studying there as well as their thirst for studying and acquiring knowledge. At the same time, from the aspect of the future of higher education, research and development and innovation are also decisive, hence special emphasis needs to be placed on our universities being able to compete in an international educational and research field, too. This challenge is best answered by further strengthening quality requirements and even better supporting our hard-working and talented students who are committed to acquiring knowledge - ones like you, the vice-rector said.
Of the 74 candidates 52 were awarded summa cum laude and 18 cum laude honours in recogniton of the fulfilment of the prescibed PhD requirements while 4 candidates asked for their doctoral diplomas to be issued based on their academic PhD degrees.
The doctoral candidates received their diplomas from Ákos Pintér, General Vice-Rector of the University of the University of Debrecen after taking their oat.
-Dear New Fellow-Doctors! The document that you received a couple of minutes ago made you holders of the PhD doctoral degree. Our unIversity has hereby declared you mature enough to perform individual research in Hungarian and international academic life. Please allow me to congratulate you on behalf of the Senate, the leadership of the university and myself and wish you good opportunities and great success in your academic careers - Ákos Pintér, General Vice - Rector welcomed the newly promoted doctors.
At the event 24 candidates were awarded the doctor habilitated honour.
The Senate of the University of Debrecen conferred the honour of Professor Emeritus to retired university professors
Gáspár Bánfalvi,
Zoltán Győri,
Zoltán Hernádi,
Irén Mikó,
Éva Mohos Nagy,
József Posta, and
Zoltán Tóth
in recognition of their high-quality work in teaching and education at our university, outstanding academic achievements, fruitful pioneering work, extensive role in public life, as well as their authority in the Hungarian and international professional life.
Next the university prizes and awards were handed over.
The University of Debrecen conferred the title of honorary doctor to David Alfred Eisner physican and Roman Czaja historian.
Press Office