New Silk Road Project to Encompass Debrecen
According to the plans originating from Beijing, the project named “New Silk Road” is to establish an economic belt in the next couple of decades that can rekindle China’s former golden age of commerce in the framework of connections covering Asia, Europe, and Africa. The first major stage of the project is expected to be implemented by 2020.
During a visit to Debrecen between November 14 and 17, the delegation from Tianjin Foreign Studies University mapped up a range of possibilities for cooperation between China and Hungary, primarily, in the fields of education.
The members of the Tianjin delegation learned about the structure of education in Hungary through presentations about the institutional hierarchy and its operation, with the focus on the program offerings at the Faculty of Humanities. In addition, they also got an insight into the teacher training program of the University of Debrecen, the adult education courses on offer at Debreceni Nyári Egyetem [Debrecen Summer School], and visited several other educational institutions, including Kossuth Lajos Gyakorló Gimnázium és Általános Iskola [Lajos Kossuth Primary School and High School of the University of Debrecen].
The six visitors from the Chinese university were headed by Professor and Dean Li Yingying, and had several discussions with representatives of the Faculty of Humanities, including Vice-Deans Péter Forisek and Péter Csatár.
Currently, there are as many as 268 international students from China enrolled at our university.
Press Office