Featured news
2020. March 05. |
2019. December 02. |
2019. November 11. |
15 Jun
Two young research chemists from the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Debrecen have been honoured in Florence at the 2018 Conference of the International Symposium on Metal Complexes. Norbert Lihi was awarded the Fernando Pulidori Prize while Gizella Csire won a prize for her poster.
12 Jun
About 3600 fresh graduates can receive their degrees at the University of Debrecen in the following weeks: provides live coverage of the graduation ceremonies.
11 Jun
The latest methods in the diagnosis and therapy of multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease were discussed by Hungarian and foreign neurologists in Debrecen last week. At the conference the worl-class stroke care at the Neurology Clinic of the University of Debrecen was discussed, too.
05 Jun
Physicists of the University of Debrecen also participated in the international research that succeeded in measuring the strength of the interaction between the two heaviest known particles, the Higgs boson and the t-quark.
28 May
The University of Debrecen still maintains its leading position, ranking as the best provincial Hungarian university on the list of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR). The organisation published its ranking of universities for 2018/2019 last Monday.
25 May
Experts from the University of Modern Sciences in Mostar, Bosnia, who visited our university last Thursday, were mainly interested in opportunities for cooperation in the fields of the health industry, Ayurveda, nutrition science, as well as tousism and catering.
24 May
Polish, Ukranian, and Hungarian students explored Hungarian water management issues within an international project at the Faculty of Agricultural, Food Science and Environmental Management of the University of Debrecen.
23 May
Adapting to the needs of the industry, the MSc training of the University of Debrecen in hydrobiology is available in dual form as of this year. The English language training that was launched last year is also popular.
23 May
Medical students at the University of Debrecen are learning about jet-lag, travel-induced stress, holiday traumas and preparation of patients with chronic diseases on a travel medicine course considered to be unique in Europe.
18 May
Teachers and workers of the Debrecen Summer School (Nyári Egyetem) undergo regular training. Some have recently gained some experience abroad, which they can later use in their work.