Featured news
2020. March 05. |
2019. December 02. |
2019. November 11. |
03 Dec
Invited by the Faculty of Humanities and the Department of Sociology and Social Policy, representatives of CARPE, the strategic alliance of European universities, arrived for a 2-day workshop at UD.
03 Dec
The representatives of the South-Chinese Guangxi region and the Guangxi University of Finance and Economics (GUFE) attended thematic presentations and consultations on Wednesday and Thursday, and signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Debrecen.
30 Nov
The number of sections in DEAC has grown to 19, as from the next season on football players will also compete wearing jerseys with the colours of the club. Players can register themselves for the team at the Dóczy street University Sports Centre.
27 Nov
As the only Hungarian member of an international team, László Radócz, head of the Institute of Plant Protection, studied the transformation of the natural environment on the coral island of Ducie. The last time a scientific expedition visited the Pacific island was 10 years ago.
23 Nov
Extending its existing cluster network further, the University of Debrecen aims at cross-border cooperation. The networking efforts may also contribute to regional economic development. These were some of the topics discussed at the three-day international conference recently held in Debrecen.
23 Nov
His Excellency, Markku Virri, Finland’s Ambassador to Hungary, also came to the University of Debrecen on his first visit to our city. The diplomat has been representing his country in Budapest since September of this year.
22 Nov
As part of a nationwide programme, simulation-based education will be developed at the Faculty of General Medicine from a grant of HUF 800 million. Some of the new assets added include lifelike patient simulators capable of producing symptoms, as well as a 3D anatomical board.
21 Nov
The Faculty of Health of the University of Debrecen offers a master’s programme that is unique in Europe. The healthcare social worker programme was launched in 2017, and is already very popular.
20 Nov
World-class technical developments will be realised in the Biomechanical Laboratory of the University of Debrecen. The high-tech devices, including the 3D printer capable of producing metal bone prosthetics, were dedicated at the 25th anniversary celebration of the laboratory.
16 Nov
Students' programmes in the morning, stadium show in the afternoon. You can relive the moments of the university day via the official aftermovies. This year 22,000 people attended yoUDay, the unique year-opening party of UD.